Sunday, October 29, 2006


A month ago, I stopped writing on this wall, this public wall that I created, even though I haven't even told people in my daily world about it. I have not been sure.

A friend called blogging a "massacre of the tradition of diaries" and meant that a blog shouldn't be too personal. I agree. I know what I don't want. No literature reviews, no political opinions (not that there's anything wrong with that). No public display of self-importance or self-destruction, no sharing of boring or embarrassing details.

Yet I admire good writing above anything, whether it is in a book or on a webpage. I admire good writing, I am addicted to words and this year comes with resolutions. Resolutions of self-expression, of writing this world into my pocket, of twisting realities with words untill they suit me better than the reports in The Economist.

"There is no truth" my friend said.

Then again, Chuck Berry sang "Let's twist again/like we did last summer."


Anna said...

I think your blog is extremely personal. Personality has nothing to do with personal details. So maybe I should say your blog isn´t personal, but it has personality: it's dancing (possibly twisting) up close and personal with the truth.

Hannah_Savannah said...

thanx, Anna, that's beautiful